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Text File | 1999-02-22 | 1.5 KB | 45 lines | [TEXT/ToyS] |
- -- checkFolder() - This function (or "subroutine") watches a folder
- -- for files. If someone has dropped files into the folder, then
- -- this function will process the file and move it to the out folder.
- -- but be careful to check to see if the files are finished copying into
- -- FolderToWatch before acting on them.
- -- ------------------------------------------------------------
- property FolderToWatch : "Macintosh HD:XpressImageHot:" -- insert your folder path name here
- property FolderToPut : "Macintosh HD:XpressImageHot:" -- insert your folder path name here
- property numFiles : "" -- number of files in folder
- property theContents : {} -- contents of folder
- property oldContents : {} -- contents of folder
- -- ----------------subroutine-----------------------------------
- on run
- idle of me
- end run
- -- Does FolderToWatch have files in it?
- -- If it does, then we give a green light.
- on idle
- set theContents to list folder FolderToWatch
- set folderStatusChanged to true
- tell application "Finder"
- set numFiles to the number of files in folder FolderToWatch
- if numFiles = 0 then
- set folderStatusChanged to false
- end if
- end tell
- if folderStatusChanged = true then
- repeat with x in theContents
- if x is not in oldContents then
- set oldContents to oldContents & x & return
- set theFile to FolderToWatch & x
- tell application "QuarkXPress™"
- activate
- open alias theFile use doc prefs yes
- GLUON XpressImage "1,3,5"
- close document 1
- end tell
- end if
- end repeat
- end if
- oldContents = theContents
- return 1 * 10
- end idle